Understanding the Composition of Shilajit: Minerals, Fulvic Acid, and More

Shilajit contains over 80 minerals, fulvic acid, and bioactive compounds that work together to provide various health benefits. Explore how these elements make Shilajit a powerful natural supplement.

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Shilajit, a sticky, tar-like substance that oozes from the rocks of mountainous regions, has been revered in Ayurveda for centuries. Its unique composition, rich in minerals and bioactive compounds, is what gives it its powerful health benefits. This article delves into the composition of Shilajit, focusing on its primary constituents, including minerals and fulvic acid, to explain how these elements contribute to its therapeutic properties.

The Unique Composition of Shilajit

Shilajit’s effectiveness as a natural remedy comes from its complex chemical makeup. It contains more than 80 essential minerals, fulvic acid, humic acid, and several other bioactive compounds. Let’s explore the most critical elements:
  1. Minerals in Shilajit Shilajit is known for its rich mineral content, which is one of the main reasons it is considered a rejuvenating substance in Ayurveda. These minerals are found in ionic form, making them easily absorbed by the body.
      • Iron: Supports blood formation and oxygen transport.
      • Calcium: Essential for bone health, muscle function, and nerve signaling.
      • Magnesium: Plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including energy production and muscle relaxation.
      • Zinc: Supports immune function, protein synthesis, and DNA formation.
      • Copper: Involved in red blood cell production and iron absorption.
  1. Fulvic Acid: The Star Compound One of the most significant components of Shilajit is fulvic acid, which constitutes a large part of its therapeutic potential. Fulvic acid acts as a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory agent, and carrier of nutrients.
      • Enhances Nutrient Absorption: Fulvic acid improves the bioavailability of minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients, enhancing their absorption at the cellular level.
      • Antioxidant Properties: It combats oxidative stress and neutralizes free radicals, protecting cells from damage and aging.
      • Detoxification: Fulvic acid helps in chelating heavy metals and toxins, supporting detoxification processes in the body.
      • Supports Cognitive Function: Recent studies suggest that fulvic acid may play a role in preventing the aggregation of tau proteins, which are associated with Alzheimer’s disease .
  1. Humic Acid Like fulvic acid, humic acid is another crucial component of Shilajit, known for its detoxifying properties. It helps the body rid itself of toxins and heavy metals while promoting nutrient uptake. Humic acid also boosts gut health by aiding in the maintenance of a healthy microbiome.
  1. Dibenzo-alpha-pyrones (DBPs) Shilajit also contains unique bioactive compounds known as dibenzo-alpha-pyrones (DBPs). These compounds are responsible for its energy-boosting and anti-aging effects. DBPs act as mitochondrial protectants, ensuring the efficient production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy currency of the body.

Scientific Studies on Shilajit’s Composition

Numerous studies have examined the composition of Shilajit and its bioactive compounds, with a focus on how these components contribute to its medicinal properties.
Study 1: Impact of Fulvic Acid on Nutrient Absorption
  • Objective: To evaluate the effect of fulvic acid on the absorption of essential minerals.
  • Methodology: A clinical trial was conducted on 60 participants, who were divided into two groups. One group received Shilajit supplements rich in fulvic acid, while the control group received a placebo.
  • Findings: The study demonstrated that the group taking Shilajit showed a significant increase in the absorption of key minerals like magnesium, calcium, and zinc. Fulvic acid was found to enhance nutrient uptake by increasing cell membrane permeability.
  • Conclusion: Fulvic acid plays a pivotal role in improving mineral absorption, which supports overall health and energy levels.
Study 2: The Antioxidant Potential of Fulvic Acid in Shilajit
  • Objective: To assess the antioxidant properties of fulvic acid in Shilajit.
  • Methodology: In vitro studies were performed to analyze the free radical scavenging ability of fulvic acid. Various concentrations of fulvic acid were tested for their antioxidant potential.
  • Findings: Fulvic acid exhibited strong antioxidant properties, reducing oxidative stress markers by 35%. The study also noted a decrease in cellular damage caused by free radicals.
  • Conclusion: The antioxidant capabilities of fulvic acid contribute to Shilajit's ability to protect against oxidative damage and support overall wellness.
Study 3: Mineral Content and Its Effects on Bone Health
  • Objective: To determine the impact of Shilajit's mineral content on bone density and strength.
  • Methodology: A 12-week study was conducted on 50 elderly participants with early-stage osteoporosis. One group was given Shilajit supplements, while the control group received calcium supplements alone.
  • Findings: Participants who took Shilajit had a 10% improvement in bone mineral density compared to the control group. The minerals in Shilajit, particularly calcium and magnesium, were found to be bioavailable and effective in promoting bone health.
  • Conclusion: Shilajit's rich mineral profile, particularly its high calcium and magnesium content, makes it an excellent natural supplement for supporting bone health.
Goel et al. (2017)
To analyze the mineral and organic content of Shilajit
Chemical analysis of Shilajit samples from different regions
Found high concentrations of fulvic acid, humic acid, and essential minerals
Concluded that Shilajit’s health benefits stem from its diverse and rich chemical composition
Ahmad et al. (2015)
To study the antioxidant effects of fulvic acid in Shilajit
In vitro antioxidant tests
Fulvic acid exhibited strong antioxidant properties, reducing oxidative stress in cells
Suggested that fulvic acid plays a crucial role in Shilajit’s anti-aging and protective effects
Shrivastava et al. (2018)
To investigate the neuroprotective properties of Shilajit
Animal study on neurodegeneration
Shilajit’s fulvic acid reduced cognitive decline and tau protein aggregation in rats
Proposed that fulvic acid may have potential therapeutic effects for Alzheimer's disease

Health Benefits Linked to Shilajit’s Composition

  1. Bone and Joint Health The calcium and magnesium content in Shilajit contribute to maintaining bone density, making it a potential supplement for bone health, especially in post-menopausal women and the elderly. Fulvic acid’s anti-inflammatory properties also support joint health by reducing inflammation in conditions like arthritis.
  1. Energy and Vitality Shilajit’s DBPs, in conjunction with its rich mineral content, play a significant role in boosting energy levels. DBPs help protect mitochondria, ensuring efficient energy production, while minerals like iron support oxygen transport throughout the body.
  1. Cognitive Health As discussed earlier, fulvic acid’s ability to protect against oxidative stress and tau protein aggregation suggests that it could support cognitive function and potentially slow the progression of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s .
  1. Detoxification Both fulvic and humic acids in Shilajit contribute to detoxification by binding to heavy metals and toxins, facilitating their excretion from the body. This process supports liver and kidney health, essential for overall detoxification.


Shilajit’s power lies in its unique composition, packed with minerals, fulvic acid, humic acid, and other bioactive compounds. These elements work synergistically to deliver a range of health benefits, from enhancing nutrient absorption to protecting against oxidative stress and promoting cognitive and bone health. As more research emerges, the potential of Shilajit as a natural supplement continues to grow, making it a valuable addition to modern wellness practices.


  1. Goel, R., et al. (2017). "Chemical analysis of Shilajit samples: A study of its mineral and organic content." Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.
  1. Ahmad, I., et al. (2015). "Antioxidant activity of fulvic acid in Shilajit: An in vitro study." Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
  1. Shrivastava, A., et al. (2018). "Neuroprotective properties of Shilajit in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease." International Journal of Neuroscience.

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